"The 15 groups that made the final observations in the report have notes in their expenses," says the work of the Auditor General of the City of Buenos Aires (AGCBA, for its acronym in Spanish) which analyzed the campaign spending of the last primary elections, open and mandatory (STEP) that is held to elect Chief, Deputy Chief of Buenos Aires government and senators.

The final report, submitted after 30 days of Election Day, was not delivered by the party Its Possible, whose candidate was Ivo Cutzarida. Meanwhile, "both the Front for Victory (FPV) and the Socialist Workers Movement (MST) delivered them out of term".

The Front Alliance and the Federal Movement, presented by Humberto Tumini and Enrique Piragini, "delivered a document which was not signed by the attorney while the report of the Front Alliance for Buenos Aires "lacked the rubric Certified Public Accountant".

The work of the AGCBA, evaluating elections April 26, 2015, notes that "its scope was limited by not being able to accurately establish the integrity of the expenses made the various groups in the campaign." This situation is due, for example, of "non-use of the special bank account for transactions".

In a previous report, taken up by the Auditor.info, the AGCBA had indicated disuse of transparency tool. Unfortunately, two years later it happens again.

On this point it should be noted that every participating group in an election are required to open a special account in the City Ciudad. All operations related to the campaign shall be recorded.

The Humanist Party, which proposed as candidate for Gustavo Tenaglia, "was the only one who did not use the account". Twelve other parties used it "partially", representing 80% of postulates. They are: ALBA, Popular Road, FIT, Movement for the Common Good, self-determination and freedom (AyL), Flag Neighborhood, MST, ECO, Front for Victory, Front for Buenos Aires, ARISE and Federal Movement.

On private contributions, "Six groups were observed, representing 50% of the cases." Popular Road, FIT, Flag Neighborhood, Humanist, ECO and the Front for Victory were warned. As for the loans, they were observed to FIT, AyL, MST and more.

Why the AGCBA?

Law 268 Regulating campaign finance establishes "competition of the Buenos Aires regarding the control audit reports revenue and election expenses of parties".

Specifically, Article 17 provides that the parties, alliances and confederations must submit to the AGCBA "a report, ten days before the day of voting, indicating revenues and expenditures with detailed concept, origin, amount and destination as well as forecasting these movements until the end of the campaign."

Thirty days after the elections "they must submit a final report shall be public accounts".

After 90 days of voting, the Buenos Aires audit shall establish and publicize its report, to be published in the Official Gazette of the City."