Due to the poor condition of the Tobar Garcia Children's Hospital, the Audit of the City of Buenos Aires (AGCBA, for its acronym in Spanish) believes that the 98 inpatients "probably only manage to pass to the two adult neuropsychiatric clinics" in the capital. It is that the headquarters of the neighborhood of Barracas has several irregularities such as overpopulation, poor food service for patients, nurses who exceed the recommended work time and behavior problems, and delays in the process of externalization, a failure that the hospital also shares with the Judiciary Branch, the Government and NGOs.

The health center had been thought of as a nursing school, but today it functions as a boarding school for children with schizophrenia, addictive morbidity, affective disorders and derivatives by the courts with criminal behavior, rape or acts of violence that are dangerous for themselves or for third parties.

The hospitalization rooms of the Tobar Garcia can accommodate 61 children and young people distributed per floor according to their gender. But, at the time of the AGCBA's work, there were 98 patients. According to the control body, overpopulation is compensated with exit permits, but when boarding schools exceed available places, "beds with mattresses on the floor that are raised in the morning" are improvised. On the other hand, the separation of patients "does not take into account the diversity of pathologies that coexist in the same physical space," the report says.

None of the four plant employees of the Food Department controls the receipt of the merchandise because "they are not in the hospital at the time of delivery." Thus, children between 6 and 10 years old receive food with an excess of up to 39% of kilocalories, girls from 11 to 18 and boys from 11 to 14, an excess of 12%, and boys between 15 and 18, A deficit of 12%. The Audit says that "the real portion" of food "is of a lower weight than the samples taken by the concessionaire," adding that such a diet, with excess carbohydrates, associated with a lack of Physical activity for lack of space for recreation and a medication that increases appetite, "predisposes patients to gain weight." From an analysis of the award statement, the control body found that "calorie variations were not considered according to gender and age of the patient, nor was the food-drug interaction evaluated in the programming of the menus."

According to the AGCBA, 11 of the 98 patients are able to be discharged but cannot be externalized for reasons that are foreign to them. The boys stay in the hospital's facilities between 37 and 350 days, which "sometimes suffers their improvement." The control body links this failure to "the lack of an adequate response in time and form by the Juvenile Justice and Defense." In addition, the report points out that the Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents of the City has "limited resources for the referral of patients in therapeutic homes" because the Buenos Aires government "does not have its own houses and vacancies in contracted homes (Sic) are few, and are not even exclusive to the Directorate of Children. "The absence of agile mechanisms for externalization implies depriving the inmates of their freedom," the study concludes.

For the pathologies that the Tobar Garcia attends the nurses should be between 20 and 45 years old. However, the 60 hospital professionals have an average of 50.2 years and, in fact, 13 are already in a position to retire. On the other hand, the nurses' plant has a deficit of 4740 hours that is covered by the allocation of modules. The Audit says that "the existence of professionals who habitually fulfill double working days, results in a quality deficit in the task performed". This is so that nine agents are sanctioned or awaiting a resolution of disciplinary measures raised by the authorities.

The Watchdog concludes its report affirming that the Tobar Garcia "is far from being an appropriate physical scope to provide a comprehensive treatment of the children and adolescents that go there."