The Audit assesses this year's work -called government agency Pôle Emploi dedicated to registering unemployed people and help both economically and also in search of work.

Although Pôle emploi is the largest public operator with "53,000 employees, more than a thousand agents and a budget of five billion euros," the number of job seekers increased from 3.9 million in 2009 to 6.2 million in 2015, representing an increase of "more than 58%" in just six years.

Against the "mass unemployment", this year the agency decides to "define their strategy," although, according to the monitoring body, "continues to experience operational difficulties".

The body in question has two major responsibilities: the payment of subsidies and the location of the unemployed.

On the first point, the audit said that "the payment of unemployment benefits is satisfactory." However, there remain the "paper files" that "should be gradually eliminated."

Regarding the location of job seekers, the audit team found that "it is difficult to measure" because "there is no indicator to evaluate performance, especially compared with the action of other actors in the labor market."

In this situation we add that "data on long-term unemployment and satisfying job opportunities," show an "adverse outcomes".

As if that were not enough, "the differentiation of services rendered" to those seeking work-three categories is "insufficient".

Another observation that performed the audit is that "human resources are scattered." The consultants will dedicate a "22% time to the activities of administration and management", while 30% of the time I spend on "support job seekers", which, undoubtedly, should be its priority.

What the watchdog recommended

The Audit "agrees" to achieve a better differentiation of services for those who need employment. In fact, instead of three categories, it is advisable to install 13 "to optimize management and ensure more effective supervision."

The auditors also proposed to "reduce the role of paper in the labor market".