A report from the General Office of the Nation (SIGEN, for its acronym in Spanish) states that the teachers who lead the training courses in public administration charged for hours of class they did not dictate.

After verifying that "there is no relation" between the hours provided in the programs of the subjects, the attendance forms and the certification of the hours - that originate the liquidation of the assets -, the control agency concluded that "the certified hours and those liquidated far exceed those actually dictated."

Likewise, attendance forms were found for courses signed by two trainers who charged all the hours, "when (the subject) was given in previous opportunities by a single teacher or the course schedule includes a single teacher in charge," he said The agency, in its approved report on data of 2007, and added another finding: certifications of hours realized before the courses were actually dictated.

The training of state agents depends on the National Institute of Public Administration (INAP, for its acronym in Spanish), which operates under the orbit of the Cabinet of Ministers.

SIGEN also noted that the employment relations of the trainers, who are appointed precisely by the Chief of Staff, do not fall under any existing recruitment regime, nor can they be included in any special legal framework governing their rights and obligations.

On the other hand, the report says that "the National Training System Directorate does not evaluate teachers in situ when they are exposing, in order to (check) compliance with the predetermined guidelines and their ability to transmit the contents of the program." Dependency, on the other hand, only measures the work of the trainers through "selective non-mandatory surveys" that students must complete. And, in addition to the fact that the scores received by teachers "do not exceed the desired parameters" - which, however, are not defined in any document - SIGEN says that "performance is not monitored" Trainers.

In addition, the same Directorate cannot verify the background that the teachers present because "it does not have files of the inscribed providers" in its register, only 5% of the trainers have curriculum vitae and there is no other documentation that backs up the data consigned in the "Forms B-Request for the registration of teachers / specialists," said the Watchdog.