A report by the Auditor General of the City of Buenos Aires (AGCBA, for its acronym in Spanish) noted that "the lack of specific regulations governing the 'children's spaces for private parties' causes remain aside issues related to security." It was in the context of the report made on the 2012 management of the Directorate General Habilitation and Permits (DGHyP) of the Government Control Agency.

The work of the Audit points out that "while enabling applications for children's rooms are handled under a provision (437 / DGHP / 03), it is not regulated".

Despite containing the word "child" no specific legislation to set benchmarks and contemplate the age limit, hours of operation and the number of qualified staff per child; and it also does not specify if they must have bathrooms for infants or window openings should be shatterproof".

The lack of such documentation had already been noted by the Ombudsman in 2007, ie seven years before the adoption of this report. At that time "it was recommended to the Ministry to proceed with the regulation of standards".

To perform this analysis, which included the year 2012, the City Audit Directorate asked the Habilitation a detailed listing of houses in order and in response received "a list of 872 records", many of them "with repeated homes".

In response, the Watchdog must refine that list with the result "768 establishments equipped for December 2012" and concluded that "the standard is outdated".

In the filter, the audit found cases such as "Guardia Vieja property in 3360 contained as children's room when in fact it was a local dance class C" or other "qualified as a house for parties and was a supermarket."

If you have a standard room is all these drawbacks, one with baseball or mazes can imagine it is even more complex. And indeed it is.

To achieve this local empowerment "they must prove that hired emergency services, insurance policies, which have qualified personnel and that games are properly maintained". To this quality certification and security provided by the Institute of Materials Rationalization (IRAM) identified a number is added.

However, "the audited address does not check the authenticity of the certification", mainly because "there is no communication between management and the Institute Habilitation", secondly because "there is also no legislation providing regular updates of this record."

The crossing of the data that provided the DGHyP and IRAM follows that "enabled the 768 spaces 45 are authorized by the Institute for the installation of soft games".

The auditors analyzed 41 records of authorizations of 2012. "The average time for approval was 17 months". The outstanding "took 22 months at the time of inspection." For requests resolved during that year the delay was five and a half months and there were still unresolved records nearly three years".

The AGCBA detected that empowerment is a legend that clarifies that the permission is "subject to compliance with the Law No. 1540" which is controlling noise pollution.

By using high noise emissions, the holders of the activities carried in the halls must register with the Registry of Activities classified as potentially polluting noise and vibration (RAC). This must be accompanied by a report Acoustic Impact Assessment.

All the above requirements were replaced, according to the records surveyed by the audit, by the legend above.

Consequently, the APRA "does not have a database of children's homes private parties". I just had a list of "12 classrooms that have requested or obtained the registration in the RAC, six already had it; the others were pending or with the observed registered."