Homes for People with Disabilities Lacking Permits Were Identified
<p style="line-height: 20.7999992370605px;"><span style="line-height: 1.6em;">The AGN produced a report that adds to other research organizations such as the City Audit had found similar findings. On a visit to 10 geriatrics in the City and the Metropolitan area of Buenos Aires, it was found that there are emergency plans and fire protection systems "in process" and that the legislation states that you must have a bathtub every 15 people, this specification is not met.</span></p> <div> </div>
Once again a report on homes for people with disabilities is published without a permit. This time a survey of the General Audit Office (AGN, for its acronym in Spanish) noted that the National Institute of Social Services for Pensioners (INSSJP - PAMI) maintained agreements with establishments that did not have a municipal permit or emergency evacuation plans approved by Civil Defense.
The observations are given on the benefits provided by the institutions contracted by PAMI through the Comprehensive Care Program for Employees with Disabilities (PROIDIS), which, in 2008, offered comprehensive coverage to approximately 11,000 people in 450 effectors across the country.
By visiting 10 households (4 of the City Capital, 3 of Morón, and 3 in San Martín, of the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires), the last report of the AGN on INSSJP approved this year on 2008 data, indicates that the centers had "emergency plans and fire protection systems in process".
As for municipal ratings, it should be noted that both the AGN as well as the Buenos Aires Audit previously published the same irregularity, both from PAMI, and from other government agencies. A 2007 report of the AGCBA said that former DG Disability gave financial support to institutions that had no permission to work. Also, the Audit Office found that in the City, in 2007, geriatrics working with PAMI had no emergency exits and also another report in the same period stated that there were "flaws that compromised the safety of residents."
The AGN found that homes in the City Capital "did not comply with the rules of a bathroom for every 15 people"; in Moron, "medical records lacked specialists such as neurologists, pediatricians, psychiatrists, and nutritionists"; and in San Martin, there were cases where "the bathrooms were not adapted for people with motor disabilities," and "had no permanent air environments for high and low temperatures."
Control and Penalties
However, the report adds that "Local Management Units (LGUs) do not have enough professional staff to perform all inspections on establishments" and that the criteria for these areas to control "are different" for employees for the Audit Unit that offers the service. Meanwhile, even "guidelines used by the LGUs are different between themselves", so it is difficult to "control objective, orderly, and systematic to lending institutions."
In fact, the report approved in 2010 by the AGN stated that of the 457 elderly housing with 14,500 members, "265 don’t have any control over their homes” by the Local Management Units.
Finally the National Audit Office said that "a graduated system of penalties is not implemented" for those who provide services to people with disabilities and don’t meet the requirements. If facilities do not correct the identified deficiencies, PAMI "categorizes them as a decrease provider." However, the AGN noted that "the downgrade and punitive action is not listed as a procedure whereby there is a graduate penalty."