Since 2007, people over 60 who have applied for admission to a home for permanent residence under the city government and who do not have sufficient income are entitled to an allowance to cover the costs of room and board.

According to the Audit Buenos Aires, in 2013 the Government canceled (for administrative suspensions) 577 people. The report, adopted in 2015 states that they represent 37% of grandparents in the census.
The Watchdog concluded that "the lack of a monitoring program prevents knowing the cause and consequences the suspension or canceling of the subsidy can have on the beneficiaries, especially taking into account the degree of economic vulnerability they bear."

In fact, for the year of assessment, "they could not verify that the monitoring was made to the beneficiaries," although this point is covered by the regulations. Since the coordination of the Program of Alternative Systems to Institutionalization stated that "never had the resources to follow the beneficiaries and make the necessary links with the network of services for the elderly".

This plan is under the orbit of the Secretariat of the Third Age dependent, in turn, the Ministry of Social Development. Among the incumbencies of the audited entity, in addition to Alternative Institutionalization Subsidies are Household and gerontological Day Home Care and Hospital.

On this last point, which gives the seniors home help and hours of gerontological care, the AGCBA noted "prolonged waiting times for receiving that support."

The audit team found that "the average time for assistance is 6 months, with minimums and maximums ranging from three to 14 months respectively."
The report explains that "in the event that a person applying for the grant of the benefit, is interviewed in his home by a social worker to evaluate and determine the profile help they need and the plan of action that will be taken forward" . The maximum term is two years, renewable if the person continues to meet the selection criteria. Priority will be given to those who are in a pre and post surgical emergency gerontology, by recent widowhood, illness or crisis primary caregiver.

On assistant gerontologists, i.e. they attend the elderly, the AGCBA found that "34 of the 44 cases analyzed was not in the single compulsory registration", although it is an "indispensable requirement to practice in the field of City".

In terms of physical targets, the Audit analyzed the years 2011, 2012 and 2013 and during that period "both activities recorded low accomplishing the goal". On time performance was 55% for Assistance and 53% for subsidies on schedule."

Considering the evolution of these last three years, "a degree of shrinking compliance can be seen."

It was 2.0

Law 3304 of 2009 establishes the Modernization of Public Administration of the City of Buenos Aires. In its system Electronic Document Management (SADE), the Registry Beneficiary Identification (RIB) and the Social and Grant Plans (PSOCs) as the only means of dealing with all the benefits that the local governments grant implemented.

On the data migration the AGCBA noted that "the information in the program had its own databases and was not fully charged at the new base, causing important information to be missing." For example, 70% of cases had not charged the social / psychological evaluation of the individual, this being a "fundamental tool for monitoring the beneficiary and the calculation of the subsidy."