The State of Buenos Aires "should relocate 3187 families, but only managed to provide a housing solution to 427, representing 14.16% of the total". In this situation the General Audit Buenos Aires (AGCBA, for its acronym in Spanish) concluded that there is "a slow progress in the matter."

The Special Projects Unit ACUMAR of the Audit produced a report that evaluates the performance in this area of the city in 2011-2015. Integral Sanitation Plan (PISA) has 14 lines of action and one of them is precisely the urbanization of towns and slums.

For this item $ 673 million was invested by 2014, "equivalent to 40.72% of the total contributed by the CABA budget for the basin." That is, that despite receiving four out of ten pesos provided by the City, it had less than 15% effectiveness.

Until December 2015 in addition to the 427 completed houses, they had "1349 on housing demand, 1141 underway, 54 rescinded and 29 to start." For the auditors, this "breaches current legislation and weak formulation of projects explain the delays in execution." All works are under the responsibility of the Housing Institute of the City.

In the settlement Rodrigo Bueno "there were 350 housing in demand until November 2015." In the shantytown 21-24 "there were 677 homes in demand, with construction titles already designated, while in the shantytown 26 there were 125 completed, 64 underway and 94 rescinded works." The report by the AGCBA also details the status of work on the settlement Lamadrid, Lujan, Magaldi, El Pueblito and Villa Carton.

In general terms, the Watchdog said that many of the engineering tasks, which had started in 2001, "recorded a slow formulation and implementation of projects." In fact, "there were contracts for works that were made with blueprints and no previous studies to identify and detect interference of its own construction problems."

"Weaknesses in controls that were performed to worker cooperatives responsible for collecting and cleaning the creek" were also detected.

As a positive point the AGCBA notes that "there is no doubt there is a recovery of degraded areas as the towpath and decreasing pollution levels in air quality and water".