In City Hospitals, the Service of Imaging Diagnosis Is "Critical"
<p>This was said by the Audit of the City of Buenos Aires after analyzing the operation of the scanners at health centers. The lack of supplies and personnel was observed. In Penna, a team was down for over a year; in Udaondo they are limited by the "outdated" devices; and at the Ramos Mejia there is only one doctor for a thousand monthly reports.</p>
The Audit of the City of Buenos Aires (ACGBA, for its acronym in Spanish) said that the management of the Service of Diagnostic Imaging of the City Hospitals "is critical" and warns that "it is necessary to maintain the activity and optimum production levels, equip services of appropriate personnel, supplies, spare parts and technical maintenance."
Even the AGCBA said that technical problems had scanners unattended for months, as in the case of the Penna Hospital, where the equipment was out of service because "a spare was not available" since 2008 until 2009, date of the audit report.
About the Udaondo Hospital, which has a CT scan that has been in operation for over 20 years, the Watchdog says that while it is operating, there is a limitation in granting shifts in the "obsolescence of equipment, which is the limit of its capacity of use." It adds that it presents "a lack of maintenance and personnel in the afternoon shift and on night shifts."
Although the Ramos Mejia Hospital opened its scanner in April 2009, the Audit added that it has a delay of 10 days for delivery of results because "there is only one doctor for one thousand monthly reports" and "do not have the computer equipment transcription" of the analysis.
The same applies to the Maria Curie Hospital, where they write reports "manually" spending medical hours to writing and not to the "treatment of patient care."
In the Elizalde Hospital, as in the Ramos Mejia, the Service has only one doctor, but in this case, "the rest of the staff needs are met Radiology", an area outside the Diagnostic Service Imaging.
The report, adopted this year on 2008 data, the aforementioned shortcomings detected in the management of the Services Diagnostic Imaging scanners that are not outsourced. It explains, finally, that "a difference is seen in the production of the equipment that is under its own management or under outsourced management."