Two years ago, The published an analysis of the information disseminated through the Internet, the national audit, provincial General Audits and the Auditor General's Office, in order to observe the quality and timeliness of the data made available to the public.

For this study we drew upon the official web pages of the Auditor General of the Province of Salta, Buenos Aires (AGCBA) and (AGN) and the Court of Auditors (TC) of the Province of Mendoza, Buenos Aires, Catamarca, Chubut, Córdoba, Entre Ríos, Formosa, Jujuy, La Pampa, La Rioja, Misiones, Rio Negro, San Juan, Santa Fe, Santa Cruz, Corrientes, San Luis, Santiago del Estero, Tierra del Fuego, and Tucumán.

The analysis shows that all organisms have a communication channel with citizens because the courts do not have internet websites; like the Courts of Chaco and Neuquén; have enabled an e-mail on the site of the Permanent Secretariat Account of Argentina.

Although it has been two years since the previous analysis published by The, only three agencies publish data on its contracts and purchases. They are the Auditor General's Office, the City Audit, and the Court of Auditors of Rio Negro, which represent a 13% of the cases analyzed.

In relation to the publication of reports and acts, in 2009 there were 11 entities that control the data disseminated. In 2011 that number rose with 13 agencies now upload their work online, but not everything is completely exposed. Also, the 23 bodies have on their sites information related to the creation and performance standards.

The Audit of the Province of Salta and Mendoza, Rio Negro, Santa Cruz, Misiones, Tucumán, and Buenos Aires continue to update their websites frequently. In contrast, Formosa’s watchdog portal is not updated: the latest agreements are published reports of 2001 and 2004.

The Court of Auditors of Pampa, San Luis, Corrientes, and Santiago del Estero, unlike 2009, now has its own internet website. The last one was put into operation Pampas’ site on 06/29/11.

The Mendoza Court of Auditors, besides constantly updating their decrees on the internet, now advertises internal policies like the "Social Responsibility" acts, which is a group within the Court that is dedicated mainly to the recycling of paper, treatment of computer waste, and collaboration with schools of the Huarpe Valley community.