The Executive Branch of the City of Buenos Aires has not yet regulated Act No. 1706 "Safety measures for public schools" Buenos Aires, passed in May 2005, four months after the fire in the night club Republica of Cromañón that killed 194 people. A report by the Auditor General of the City (ACGBA, for its acronym in Spanish), 2007, indicates that this delay "prevents precisely defining preventive actions to be implemented in educational, state managed, institutions."

In their study, the AGCBA argues that "it could not determine who is responsible for monitoring compliance with the laws" that are in place for school safety. Aside from No. 1706, the City Ministry of Education has Law No. 1346 of "Evacuation plans and fire drills for, explosion or explosion warning", which is mandatory in all public buildings and some private. The watchdog examined compliance with these standards in 29 of the 722 state educational establishments on all levels, and determined that 80.7 percent of cases (24 schools) had no fire warning system, and in 2005 "not drills were held" in 17 of the audited schools (58.6%).
In addition, in eight of the schools studied, the audit noted "lack of staff training regarding evacuation plans, use of fire extinguishers, and alarm systems."
The AGCBA’s work based that "the practices of evacuation plans through simulation exercises are indispensable in case of accidents, ignorance, or disorganization of those in the building not only complicates the tasks that the case requires, but also increases the danger and the number of possible victims." And therefore, concluded the audit, urging the Executive to regulate "urgently" Law No. 1706 and comply with evacuation plans and training staff, established in Law 1346.