It’s the INCUCAI of the City of Buenos Aires. The Office if Autarchic Transplant Institute, from now on the EAIT, was created in 2009 to work in the process of obtaining organs and tissues in the territory of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. By national legislation, each province must have a local authority to do this; however the Auditor General of the City of Buenos Aires (AGCBA, for its acronym in Spanish) found that the INCUCAI, until January 2011, "had not transferred all the powers" including "the ability of police power on ratings and records to perform transplants, both establishments and professional."

As published in The, the General Audit Office (AGN, for its acronym in Spanish) detected a contradiction in the law transplant, in the City they said that the rule that creates the Transplant Institute, four years after its adoption, "is still not regulated."

Of the 2011 analysis, it appears that the EAIT "has no staff of its own but depends on the administrative staff of the Ministry of Health and various hospitals like Argerich, the Santojanni and Fernández". In total, the Institute has 121 agents.

The Medical Operation Guard is a team that, after reporting a Hospital coordinator, "they go to the clinic where a donated organ or tissue is located and is responsible for maintaining the flow of blood from the donor and the distribution according to the INCUCAI instructions. "To perform these tasks" nine people must be available 365 days a year, seven of which go to the hospital and the other two were made operational and coordination with EAIT tasks. "On this team, the auditors noted that" they are not professionals of the Institute "which added to the" lack of administrative staff regulations" hindering the work.

The Building Structure

Regarding infrastructure, the AGCBA specified that these "were small for the demand of activity that the EAIT has" and mainly "there is a lack of space for the receipt of documents." The Institute works at the Garrahan hospital by an agreement "which has no expiration date." At the end of the audit, "there was no information specifying a definite place or date of transfer."

National Integration System for Transplants

Its acronym is SINTRA and it’s the system through which everything related to the donation of organs and tissues is managed. The INCUCAI delegates the user creation to a representative from each jurisdiction who in turn distributes them to key personnel in the provinces. According to the Buenos Aires Audit, "the EAIT does not have a process for the management and control of users," making it impossible, to block some people for abnormal actions on their account.