Already in 2009 the Mendoza Court of Accounts (TCM, for its acronym in Spanish) had discovered that in 2006 the Honorable Council of the Municipality of Luján de Cuyo paid salaries to people who declared that they had not worked in the legislative body or received any income. A year later, it detected that the same situation was maintained in 2007.

In the first report, the act was called a "criminal, premeditated and criminal maneuver." which consisted of hiring temporary employees who did not accredit their employment relationship or "whose service was not guaranteed by councilors."

In both investigations, the TCM noted that, in some cases, the assets were received in cash and checks by persons other than the beneficiaries, by means of bearer authorization. "This system allowed to collect salaries of people who declared not to have worked, nor perceived the income."

In the meantime, it was explained that "the HCD omitted to record the tasks that the designated personnel had to perform" and that "temporary employees were hired and retired repeatedly, in different categories and without specific function."

In this sense, the Watchdog decided for the second time to make the Municipality responsible for the damage, the President of the Deliberating Council Sergio Abraham, who was charged with $ 114,806.44, and, on this occasion, To Councilwoman Miriam Barroso for $ 2,259.58. "

The difference is that, this time, the Court's decision was not to sanction the CPA of the Municipality or the Director of Human Resources, since "irregular administrative procedures" were the same as those occurred in 2006, for which he had fined them with the purpose that it does not happen again. However, "its responsibility was maintained for not having fulfilled its function of checking the legality of each payment order."

The Expedited Intendant

As for the Intendant and the Secretary of the Treasury, the first report shows that "there was a lack of control by the Executive over the appointments and activities carried out by the appointed staff", but in neither period (2006-2007) were the Sanctioned In fact, in the last work, approved in 2010, it says that "they did not send the payment order with the record of the provision of services and that the Accountant General did not oppose payment despite not having that record."

However, the supervisory body argued that officials "did not have the information they needed to reject illegitimate payments" since the Board has a separate procedure for hiring, other than outside the human resources office and the control itself Of the Intendant.

More Observations

The TCM indicated that, among other cases, there were "six agents, for a total gross salary of $ 28,880.71, who did not have the signature of their responsible duties in the payroll and justification forms." It also detected "one person, for a total gross salary of $2,230.03, whose service was not certified by any Councilman," and "nine employees, for $42,706.16, who had not authorized the perception of the Have to lack the certification of responsible official that accredits the signature inserted in the payrolls."

Some situations that facilitated the injury

• "The personnel area did not control attendance or schedule, which made it impossible to prove the actual provision of services by these personnel. Nor were checks carried out to verify compliance with their obligations. "

• "There were no bundles of temporary staff of the Deliberative Council. The salaries were settled by internal resolution of Presidency and with copy of the CUIL of the agent ".